I completely fail to understand the psychology of people who choose to drive recklessly. I have a 1 hr commute each way to work. I leave my house at 6 AM to head to work. This time of year the sun is just begining to rise as I drive to work. Visibility is an issue. Headlights are still necessary and often in this area there is significant fog causing visibility to be minimal. Due to construction on our main 2 lane highway I have been choosing to take our more rural routes that are single lane highways until I am past the construction area. Often deer are present along the road. Yesterday as I am driving to work along this rural route I am going the speed limit but 2 cars continue to tailgate me. I see a deer run across the road ahead of me. I also see another deer on the left side of the road begining to cross the road as well. I slam on my brakes to avoid a collission. What do the cars behind me do? Not slow down. They passed me on the left side of the road in an area where there isn't even passing allowed. People do not generally slam on there brakes in the middle of a highway without warning for no reason other than some type of road hazard. Why would these people think it is safe to pass me? I am often left wondering what these drivers must be thinking to make this type of decision. Then this morning on the 2 lane highway the same thing occured. At least on this road passing is allowed, but the deer was so close that you could clearly see it was a large buck and see its antlers. Why would a driver choose not to slow down? I simply fail to comprehend the thoughts and actions of many drivers around me.
This is a blog about wildlife and nature photography. Topics discussed on this blog will cover photography techniques, wildlife, animals, and just about any topic related to photography and wildlife or nature.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011
Dogs, birds, photos, fun
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Best laid plans
When I go out to take photos I generally go with a plan in mind about what I want to photograph and how and where I want to do it. What I planned on doing today was photographing sunrise at the river. I checked to see what the weather was predicted to be around sunrise today. Partly cloudy with very little chance of rain. I liked that forecast. I like to have clouds in my sunrise and sunset photos.
So I planned what I would need to get the photos I wanted. Tripod, check. 18-200mm zoom lens, check. Three different levels of graduated ND filters, check. Filter holder, check.
I checked the location where I wanted to shoot and where the sun should rise in relation to where I'd be. It looked like it would work out good.
When I arrived at my location in the morning I was a little troubled. There were thick clouds and thick fog in the sky. Not even a glint of the sun was getting through. The tripod, 18-200mm lens, and filters never even got unpacked.
I had a backup plan. I brought my 300mm, 1.4 teleconverter, and my 60mm macro lens. I knew there were lots of great blue heron in this area so I would try to photograph them. Unfortunately for me there was very little light. I saw several great blue herons and green herons but they would not move to where I was. When I tried to approach them I was unable to get within range of my lens without them moving off farther away.
Still I persisted. Plan C: macro photography. There were lots of wild flowers growing along the river. So I turned my focus to photographing the flowers and the insects pollinating them. I think I was still able to come away with some keepers despite my plans not working out quite the way I had planned.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Humans and Nature
For all the advancements and achievements our species has accomplished perhaps our biggest limitation is our inability to live in cooexistance with nature. I am in some ways as guilty as any. We are able to shape our world to meet our needs but we are unable or unwilling to preserve nature. In our drive for advancement and "progress" we have driven multiple species to extinction and others to the very brink of that same fate. Upon realizing our transgressions we have in some cases tried to preserve these species we almost eradicated by reintroducing them to areas they used to inhabbit before humans encroached on their land. Perhaps the most famous example of this is the reintroduction of gray wolves to Yellowston National Park. After all the hard work that has been done to resore this majestic species their fate has been left in the hands of the very groups that were responsible for their exterpation in the first place. I do not understand why this path has beechosen for the wolf. I also don't understand how their fate can be left in the hands of those that have the most to gain from their destruction.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Trying to make progress?
I feel like everytime I read an article about our government they are trying to repeal some law that has already been passed. Repeal energy standards, repeal the health care act, repeal clean air and water regulations, repeal environmental conservation laws, and repeal the endangered species act. These are just some items of note I have seen lately. Isn't our governement supposed to be fighting for progress not fighting to send us back to the stone ages. It seems to me if our government stopped fighting over what has already been decided and looked forward to making new decisions and solving new problems. I'm sorry if you didn't like what the solution was but let's move on with it at least for now and tackle a new problem. Maybe we can revisit old issues at a more appropriate time.
Environmental Concern
I have come to the sad realization that as a person that cares deeply about our environment and the animals that inhabbit it I have relatively little control over or say in what happens to it. It is even worse to think that the companies that go about recklessly destroying our planet will be the only people that can afford to live here when needs such as clean air and water become scarce. What will happen to the everyday person who cares about the environment and has taken steps to protect it?
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Vick / Tiger Comparrison
I just read a report that Michael Vick won the Subway-sponsored BET Sportsman of the Year award. He also signed a new endorsement deal with Nike. Michael Vick is a convicted criminal yet he is being given awards and endorsement deals. He was found guilty of crimes and went to prison. Not the least of his crimes was killing defenseless animals.
Just a quick comparison. Tiger Woods was a much greater player to his sport, golf, than Vick was, is, or ever will be to the NFL. Tiger Woods committed an immoral act, but not an illegal act and people everywhere seem to want to bury him and want nothing to do with him. He lost endorsements as a result of this. His golf game even appears to be suffering as a result of this, which seems to evidence a much greater inner turmoil than that which Vick is experiencing. I in no way condone what tiger did but I think we need a little perspective here.
Tiger Woods is booed, rooted against, and financially punished for his immoral behavior. Michael Vick is cheered, given awards, and signed to lucrative endorsement deals after committing multiple criminal acts and being sent to prison.
I firmly believe if Vick was told he could never play in the NFL we would not have heard even the most insincere apologies from Vick. Everything he says about what he did is motivated by his desire to make money.
I am embarrassed to have been a customer of both Nike and Subway in the past. I will not be a customer of theirs in the future.
As a photographer dogs are among my favorite subjects. As a photographer and a person I am very passionate about animals and dogs especially. I felt I needed to take a moment to write briefly about this topic. I would love to hear the thought of others on this topic whether you agree with me or not.
I won't linger on this any longer. Lets just make peoples punishments fit the crimes or lack there of.
For more information about Vick and Nike here is a short article: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=6730833
For more information about Vick and the sportsman of the year award and other details check out these links: http://saveshelterpets.wordpress.com/2011/07/05/boycott-subway-nike-for-their-support-of-michael-vick/