My dogs love me so much they even
help me in my career work. They inspire
me to write. They inspire me to get
outside and experience things. They even
sit nicely for me so I can photograph them.
Well maybe that last one is a bit of an exaggeration. What they do is run around the yard like
crazy people. They do whatever suites
them for the most part totally ignoring me.
That is they ignore me until I see them sitting still in a nice pose
with nice light. I have to be very
cautious. It’s almost like trying not to
scare a wild animal. I can’t let the dog
know that I am paying attention to them.
I can usually get some nice shots if they don’t notice me too much. Sometimes I really want to get a specific
shot. If this shot requires me to kneel
or squat down in front of my subject, one of my dogs, then I have to be
fast. Kneeling or squatting is
interpreted by my dogs as me saying, “Here I am. Come and get me.” And they come running right
at me ruining my shot I had just lined up.
Ironically enough, if I actually say come and get me the dogs just
ignore me and stay sitting, laying, or generally ignore me.

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