As a part time professional photographer who is currently working a regular full time job to pay the bills while I build and establish my photography business I understand many of the frustrations that a photographer just starting out may have to deal with. When starting out there may be limited time to shoot photographs. It may feel like there is no time to contact clients. There is only limited time work on developing a business plan. And the list goes on and on.
The best thing one can do as a part time photographer is to take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself. I am a stock photographer specializing in wildlife and nature photography. For my specialty I need to be able to shoot on location. It is also helpful to be familiar with my location. So for me one of the most beneficial things is to shoot in locations that I am frequently in such as near my home or work. One thing I try to take advantage of is using my breaks and lunches to photograph my surroundings near where I work. Some of my best photography has been done that way.
Unfortunately on occasion one may change jobs. So now while the move may be beneficial for my job it may be detrimental to my photography. I lose a familiar location where I was able to shoot photography and find interesting subjects and know what to expect.
My goal is to turn this around and make it a positive. I am going to take advantage of this change of location. I will use this as an opportunity to explore new landscapes and find new subjects. It will take some time but I will become familiar with this area as I have others. I will learn what subjects are available and what the scenery is like. Soon I will be able to get the same benefit from photographing this new location as I have others. But in actuality it will be a bigger benefit because not only will I be able to continue shooting I will be able to enhance my stock list with new subjects and new locations.
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